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Cases covering Singapore

Displaying 161 - 170 of 227 results

Learning How to Learn: The Story of SMU-X

In 2015, Arnoud De Meyer, President of Singapore Management University initiated SMU-X. This unique programme made experiential learning accessible to undergraduate students, allowing them to gain exposure to real life work experience that could help improve their critical thinking, analytical and...

Building the Singapore Sports Hub through a Public-Private Partnership

The Singapore government wanted to develop the local sports industry and upgrade the old national stadium. Mark Rathbone, partner of global advisory firm PwC, was appointed to consult and manage the procurement issues for the project. The government decided to finance the Sports Hub through a...

Student Hacking into University’s Learning Management System to Save His Grades: A Cautionary Tale

It was 18 February 2016 and Loo Wee Ling, Practice Associate Professor of Law at Singapore Management University, had just received a communication about a case of cheating in the School of Law where she taught. GK, a 32-year-old Russian national, was mid-way through his final year of the Doctor of...

Tackling Fraud and Corruption in the United Nations

It is June 2002 and Dileep Nair, Head of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) at the UN headquarters in New York City, is responsible for fighting fraud and corruption within the UN. Nair is keenly aware that he needs additional staff and funding if he is to achieve any degree of...

Data Analytics at Alexandra Health System: A New Journey in the Healthcare Industry

This case won the Responsible Leadership category at the EFMD Case Writing Competition 2016.
More details here.

The case is set in June 2014, when Lau Wing Chew, Chief Transformation Officer (CTO) at Alexandra Health System (AHS) in Singapore was highlighting the achievements of the data analytics...

Data Analytics at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future

The case is set in January 2014 and reveals the data analytics initiatives at DBS Group Audit. Group Audit was used to assess the riskiness of the bank’s branches based on seven attributes derived from the auditors’ collective wisdom. The results could sometimes be misleading and inaccurate. To...

DBS Bank: Transformation Through Strategy Implementation

Part A of the case takes place in February 2010. In late 2009 Piyush Gupta joined DBS Bank as its CEO and set about transforming the bank. His first 100 days were spent familiarising himself with the business. He then hosted a three-day strategy formulation retreat offsite with his top leaders. The...

MatchMove: Business Model Evolution

In early 2009, Shailesh Naik founded MatchMove, a Singapore-based online entertainment service provider. Naik and his business partner had identified a gap in the Asian online gaming market and their vision was to plug this gap with a company-specific platform that incorporated casual gaming,...

The High Flyer & the Generation Gap

David Lee is a highly motivated individual who overcame some setbacks in his life to rise through the ranks quickly, and at the age of 27, became the country manager of the NZ Foods’ representative office in Singapore. However, Lee soon begins to encounter problems upon stepping up to his new role...

CDL: Creating Value through Sustainability

City Developments Limited (CDL) has been publishing an annual dedicated sustainability report, in line with the Global Reporting Initiative’s reporting guidelines, since 2008. In January 2016, Esther An, chief sustainability officer at CDL, produced the 2015 sustainability report using an...


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