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Cases by Katharina Lange

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results

National University Cancer Institute Singapore: Pioneering an Innovative Healthcare Model

Associate Professor Chng Wee Joo, Director of the National University Cancer Institute Singapore (NCIS), started to move the treatment of cancer patients out of the hospital to the community and patients’ homes. This innovative business model was implemented to manage the lack of space in the...

National University Cancer Institute Singapore: Pioneering an Innovative Healthcare Model

Associate Professor Chng Wee Joo, Director of the National University Cancer Institute Singapore (NCIS), started to move the treatment of cancer patients out of the hospital to the community and patients’ homes. This innovative business model was implemented to manage the lack of space in the...

SingHealth: Winning the War Against Diabetes

It was April 2017, and Dr Bee Yong Mong, Head of SingHealth Duke-NUS Diabetes Centre (diabetes SDDC), was deeply entrenched in fighting the war against diabetes in Singapore. The diabetes SDDC was formed in February 2015 and was housed at the Diabetes and Metabolism Centre (DMC) located at the...

Building the Singapore Sports Hub through a Public-Private Partnership

The Singapore government wanted to develop the local sports industry and upgrade the old national stadium. Mark Rathbone, partner of global advisory firm PwC, was appointed to consult and manage the procurement issues for the project. The government decided to finance the Sports Hub through a...

Sarulla Geothermal Power Project: Last Lap Challenges in the Development Process

The case looks retrospectively at an integrated geothermal steam field and a 320.8 MW power project in North Medan, Indonesia which reached financial close in March, 2014 after a combined tender and development period of almost 10 years. A critical last stage of the project commenced in April, 2013...

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