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Award Winning Cases

CMP's Award-Winning Cases (in Chronological Order)

No Organiser Category Year Title
1 Emerald1 N/A 2013 “Way Smarter”: Valuair in the Budget Airline Industry
2 EFMD2 Entrepreneurship 2014 Jungle Beer: An Entrepreneur’s Journey
3 EFMD Inclusive Business Models 2014 Gillette’s “Shave India Movement”: Razor Sharp against the Stubble
4 EFMD Entrepreneurship 2015 SimpliFlying: Making a Great Idea Take Flight (A) and (B)
5 EFMD Inclusive Business Models 2015 Manila Water: From Privatisation to Sustainable Growth
6 EFMD Urban Transition Challenges 2015 The Senior Citizen Home Safety Association: Enabling Active, Ageing-in-Place in Hong Kong
7 EFMD Inclusive Business Models 2016 Future for Children: A Social Enterprise Project in Transition
8 EFMD Integrating the Innovation Pipelines 2016 BPI Globe BanKO: Reshaping the Philippines Rural Banking System
9 EFMD Responsible Leadership 2016 Data Analytics at Alexandra Health System: A New Journey in the Healthcare Industry
10 Case Centre3 Outstanding Case Writer 2021 Kobe Influencer Marketing: Building Brand Awareness via Social Media
11 Financial Times4 Teaching Cases on Sustainability 2022 Growing a Global Forest: Ant Financial, Alipay, and the Ant Forest
12 Financial Times Teaching Cases on Sustainability (Runner-up) 2022 Bold and Responsible Leadership in Uncharted Waters: The Future of BW Tankers
13 EFMD Continuous Improvement: The Journey to Excellence 2022 Cybersecurity at FireEye: Human+AI

1Emerald Teaching Case Competition 
2EFMD Global Case Writing Competition
3The Case Centre Awards and Competitions
4Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards

Last updated on 20 Oct 2023 .

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