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About Us

Established in 2011 as the Case Writing Initiative, the Centre for Management Practice (CMP) at Singapore Management University (SMU) supports SMU faculty in producing teaching cases. Our cases are designed to suit a diverse range of learners, from college undergraduates to senior company executives. In addition to case development, we also translate research into practice-oriented insights, featuring the intellectual contributions not only of SMU faculty, but also prominent Asian decision-makers.

Our mission is to position SMU as a university that collaborates with industry to foster a mutually beneficial relationship to enhance learning in the field of management. We act as a conduit between management theory and real-world business practice in the field of management, such that academic research can ultimately be converted into practical insights that resonate with both academic and general audiences.

Advocate for the case method and Asian cases

Our cases are published on the CMP website, Harvard Business Publishing (Education), and The Case Centre. In addition, CMP has developed proprietary cases as in-house training materials for high-profile clients like Temasek Holdings, Keppel Corporation, and Singapore’s military academy, the SAFTI Military Institute. Our cases have won 13 awards at various international competitions including the EFMD Global Case Writing Competition, The Case Centre Awards and Competitions, and the Financial Times Responsible Education Awards.

We have been invited to train educators of Institutes of Higher Learning (IHLs) in Singapore and its neighbouring countries, including India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Brunei, Thailand, and Vietnam, on using the case method in classrooms. In addition, we have conducted workshops for organisations like the Singapore University of Social Sciences, the Singapore Auditor-General’s Office, and Workforce Singapore.

Empirically, the case method has been proven to produce better learning outcomes. It encourages critical thinking by immersing students in complex real-world scenarios. Instructors create interactive settings that enable students to exchange ideas and learn from the diverse experiences of their peers. In this manner, they apply theoretical frameworks to actual business issues.

Although the case method is universally applicable, the CMP team has identified a gap in the body of existing cases published in English – most of them are focused exclusively on Western companies. We have addressed this issue by focusing on the intricacies of doing business in Asia and promoting an understanding of the region’s diversity and its complex business environment. For example, Western companies might have to tailor their products to suit local tastes in order to be successful. However, navigating the Asian business environment will require more than product adaptation. Executives have to be aware of the cultural nuances as workplaces become increasingly diverse. Moreover, Asian organisations typically operate under stricter hierarchical structures, where managers often defer to senior members of the organisation.

Platform for practice-oriented insights and thought leadership

Asia is a dynamic region full of academic opportunities – and SMU faculty are well-positioned to establish the university as a thought leader through their research. To raise the profile of the university, CMP launched the periodical Asian Management Insights (AMI) in 2014. Our flagship publication aims to capture the zeitgeist of contemporary management issues, ideas, and innovations in the region. We have created a repository of business knowledge by inviting academics and management professionals to share their insights and experiences. The magazine offers a wide array of content with several features to accommodate myriad readers. The “At the Helm” section for example presents an in-depth interview with a key country or business leader on their area of expertise. “Walk through Asia” highlights the emerging management trends throughout the continent while “Entrepreneur’s Corner” provides a platform for innovative entrepreneurs to share their unique experiences and solutions to challenges faced by their businesses.

AMI has become a platform for showcasing the thoughts of Asia’s business leaders. So far, the magazine has featured prominent individuals such as Dr Simon Baptist, Global Chief Economist at the Economist Intelligence Unit; Ho Kwon Ping, Executive Chairman of Banyan Tree Holdings; Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons; and Dr Victor Fung, Group Chairman of the Fung Group.

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Last updated on 27 Oct 2023 .

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