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Cases for Postgraduate

Displaying 341 - 350 of 420 results

DBS: Transforming the Culture of an Asian Bank

In January 2010, the new DBS chief executive officer, Piyush Gupta, was tasked to realise the bank’s vision to be the ‘Asian bank of choice for the new Asia’. The global financial crisis of 2008 had created an opportunity for DBS to fill the void left by the Western banks that were suffering from...

State Bank of India: Breaking Entry Barriers and Building an Identity in Singapore

In October 2008, State Bank of India (SBI), India’s largest state-owned bank, makes its foray into Singapore’s consumer banking market. A year into operations, Anil Kishora, chief executive officer of SBI, Singapore, is charged to double the remittance earnings in the next 12 months, an onerous...

Green Freight Asia: Driving the Adoption of Sustainable Supply Chain Practices

Green Freight Asia (GFA) is a three-part case series featured in the 2014 APEX Business-IT Global Case Challenge. The case is best used for group projects or workshop assignments at the undergraduate or graduate level concerning business-IT related topics. The case can also be adapted for classroom...

Productivity Improvement Project: Global Operational Incentive Alignment at Infineon

This case is a classic example of misaligned project metrics, where different parts of a project are unable to simultaneously achieve their targets. The case uses a project at Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte. Ltd. to illustrate a complex and very aggressive project, which requires...

Quantine: Virtualising the Interview Process

The case is set in January 2012, and begins with Kenneth Yap, the founder of Quantine Pte Ltd, strategising on an effective growth plan for his company. Quantine is a job candidate pre-screening service provider specialised in asynchronous video interviews. In the three years since its inception,...

Sussing Out Sustainability: The Case of Singapore's Property Developers

The case is set in June 2013, and deals with an SME-sized Singapore-based property developer’s decision on whether to launch a sustainability initiative and engage in sustainability reporting as an innovative practice to improve the long-run viability of the company through improved operational...

Olympus: When the Gods Came Tumbling Down

In April 2011, Michael Woodford, a British national, is appointed president and chief operating officer of Olympus. Within months of becoming president, Woodford discovers that Olympus has made some questionable acquisitions and paid large amounts of money for companies with few assets, and...

Guns and Roses: Educating Educators through Peer Coaching Programmes

This case is a two-part series on the value of faculty teaching forums and peer coaching programmes in resolving conflicting pedagogical philosophies.
Case A is set in September 2009, shortly after James Nelson, assistant professor at Singapore Management University sought guidance from practice...

Social Capital Ventures: Water For Life In The Cambodian Countryside

The case follows the foundation and growth of Social Capital Ventures Development (SCVD), a social enterprise based in Cambodia launched by Christopher Wilson and Khov Boun Chhay in 2008. The venture aims to improve the lives and conditions of disadvantaged people in developing countries, through...

Dodla Dairy: Churning the Business of Milk in India

Dodla Dairy, a family owned dairy business based in the southern state of Andhra Pradesh, India, has successfully made its mark on the Indian liquid milk industry, but now needs to move to the next level. The company is considering a backward integration initiative into the dairy farming business,...


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