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Social Capital Ventures: Water For Life In The Cambodian Countryside


The case follows the foundation and growth of Social Capital Ventures Development (SCVD), a social enterprise based in Cambodia launched by Christopher Wilson and Khov Boun Chhay in 2008. The venture aims to improve the lives and conditions of disadvantaged people in developing countries, through impact investment and dedication to sustainable and scalable projects, in the field of health, education, and farming. SCVD’s first project was to provide rural areas with clean water, the absence of which resulted in high child mortality rate and overall ill health. The case follows SCVD during its first five years of its operations.

Through this case, students will understand how entrepreneurs launch ventures, and more specifically, social enterprises. They will analyse the process of new venture creation and some of the factors that lead to the sustainability of ventures, be they commercial or not-for-profit.

Inspection copies and teaching notes are available for university faculty. To receive an inspection copy and teaching note, please email cmpshop [at] with your registered faculty email ID and a link to your contact information on the faculty directory at your university as verification. An inspection copy and teaching note will then be sent to your faculty email account.


SMU Faculty/Staff can download the case & teaching note on iNet with your SMU login ID & Password via the following links:

·       The Case (SMU-14-0010)

·       Teaching Note (SMU-14-0010TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via The Case Centre, please access the following links:

·       The Case (SMU-14-0010)

·       The Teaching Note (SMU-14-0010TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via Harvard Business Publishing, please access the following links:

·       The Case (SMU-14-0010)

·       The Teaching Note (SMU-14-0010TN)

Published Date

1 Aug 2014

Year Completed

Temporal Coverage

Data Source

Geographic Coverage


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