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Cases tagged with Organisational Behaviour and Leadership

Displaying 1 - 10 of 20 results

Corruption at UNHCR Refugee Camps: Can it be Tackled?

The Inspector-General of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Maureen Connelly, receives two highly distressing pieces of news on the same day. Both of them relate to the UNHCR-administered Dabaad and Kakuma camps in Kenya, which have been flooded by refugees fleeing the armed...

Stranded: A Spark of Hope

The ‘Stranded’ game is an experiential platform to learn lessons on team leadership in a situational context based on sudden changes of events. It is modelled primarily upon variables associated with contingency theories of leadership. The setting is a future dystopian world where resources are...

The Resilience of a Disruptive Innovator: Concorde Security

This case is based on the real-life events of Mr Alan Chua, Executive Director of Concorde Security Pte Ltd, a private security firm based in Singapore. The case details his observations made during his many years of being in the industry. Excesses, inefficiencies and legacy practices that he felt...

Cultural Transformation at Microsoft IT India: Too Fast or Just Right?

The new managing director of Microsoft IT India Raj Biyani in 2010 noticed staff morale was low with growing attrition. Employees were frustrated as they had little control over the work they did. They had to wait for tasks to be assigned on a project basis from teams in US headquarters. To manage...

The Citibank India Story: Nurturing Global Leaders

It is August 2014, and the Citibank conference on leadership and development has just concluded. Immediately after, Sara Roberts, Talent Head of Citigroup Asia Pacific, and Anuranjita Kumar, Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) of Citigroup South Asia, discuss a pressing issue: how talent and...

Manila Water: From Privatisation to Sustainable Growth

This case won the Inclusive Business Models category at the EFMD Case Writing Competition 2015.
More details here.

In order to resolve severe water management problems in Metro Manila, the Government of Philippines began rolling out a privatisation scheme in 1995 with the objective to provide...

DBS: Transforming the Culture of an Asian Bank

In January 2010, the new DBS chief executive officer, Piyush Gupta, was tasked to realise the bank’s vision to be the ‘Asian bank of choice for the new Asia’. The global financial crisis of 2008 had created an opportunity for DBS to fill the void left by the Western banks that were suffering from...

Olympus: When the Gods Came Tumbling Down

In April 2011, Michael Woodford, a British national, is appointed president and chief operating officer of Olympus. Within months of becoming president, Woodford discovers that Olympus has made some questionable acquisitions and paid large amounts of money for companies with few assets, and...

Guns and Roses: Educating Educators through Peer Coaching Programmes

This case is a two-part series on the value of faculty teaching forums and peer coaching programmes in resolving conflicting pedagogical philosophies.
Case A is set in September 2009, shortly after James Nelson, assistant professor at Singapore Management University sought guidance from practice...

Singapore Post: Transforming Mail Services in the Internet Age

This case is set in August 2012 about ten months after the ‘Ready for the Future’ (RTF) Transformation Programme was implemented at Singapore Post Limited (SingPost). The programme came in response to new challenges and opportunities that had arisen in the postal industry. The results have so far...


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