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Cases by Michael Netzley

Displaying 1 - 4 of 4 results

SimpliFlying: Making a Great Idea Take Flight

This case won the Entrepreneurship category at the EFMD Case Writing Competition 2015.
More details here.

This is a two-part case series. Part (A) of the case is about how Shashank Nigam, CEO of SimpliFlying Pte Ltd, a company based in Singapore, searches for the corporate strategy and vision for...

Guns and Roses: Educating Educators through Peer Coaching Programmes

This case is a two-part series on the value of faculty teaching forums and peer coaching programmes in resolving conflicting pedagogical philosophies.
Case A is set in September 2009, shortly after James Nelson, assistant professor at Singapore Management University sought guidance from practice...

Starbucks in Forbidden City

On January 12, 2007 a prominent Chinese blogger protested against Starbucks’ presence in Beijing’s Forbidden City. The blogger stated, “This is not globalisation but an erosion of Chinese culture.” The blog post signalled the start of an avalanche of criticism as Starbucks came under attack for...

Twittamentary: Crowdsourcing a Project

This case study explores how Tan Siok Siok, a Singaporean filmmaker living in Beijing, crowd-sources the content, financing, and distribution outlets for her documentary about Twitter, using the micro-blogging platform itself. Crowdsourcing, according to professor of journalism, Jeff Howe, is “the...

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