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Cases tagged with Organisational Behavior and Leadership

Displaying 11 - 17 of 17 results

Bank Negara Indonesia: Enabling Transformative Change through Human Capital

The case is set in 2014 in Indonesia, with the leaders of a once strong national bank – Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) - facing the challenge of transformation amidst a volatile and uncertain business environment. With growing competition and the rapid economic growth of the nation, the bank...

Ethical Issues in Singapore’s Real Estate Industry

As of 2014, housing policies in Singapore continue to be a hot issue with the growing affluence of the population and the long-standing policy of ensuring home ownership for all Singaporeans. Despite the establishment of the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) in 2010, which put in place tighter...

Managing Workplace Diversity

This series of eight short two-part cases (“caselets”) is written to highlight some of the most challenging and potentially destabilising moments in everyday work life in the Asian context. With globalisation, many Asian organisations are becoming increasingly diverse. Managers and employees often...

Matthew’s Choices: Critical Career Decisions

This case study set in 2013 discusses the critical career decisions that Matthew Tan, a young university graduate from National University of Singapore, has to make. The case is in three parts. In Part A, Matthew inspired by his childhood experiences is toying with the idea of leaving his job at...

Ezra Holdings: Succeeding In Succession

It was 30 December 2012, and Lee Kian Soon, the founder of Ezra Holdings Limited (Ezra), a Singapore-headquartered offshore oil and gas services company, was stepping down after 20 years as Executive Chairman of the company.
Having been at the helm of the company for two decades, Lee had been...

The Daily Times in Changing Times: The Hong Kong Daily Times

This multi-part case is set in Hong Kong, with a third generation leader of a successful newspaper facing market challenges threatened by the Internet. Part A of the case provides the context and outlines the challenges faced by the newspaper: high production costs, mixed results with a new...

The Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Causes, Consequences and Implications

This case study discusses the causes, consequences and implications of the nuclear disaster at Tokyo Electric Power Company’s (TEPCO’s) Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant that was triggered by a massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake and subsequent tsunami waves on March 11, 2011. There are two...


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