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Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 results

Tagit: Mastering the Challenge of Scaling a Business

The case documents the journey of a start-up from inception to the growth stage, and is suitable for understanding the following business strategies: pivot strategy, credibility and reputation building, role of the Board of Directors, and scalability of young businesses.
Tagit is a Singapore-based...

Cultural Transformation at Microsoft IT India: Too Fast or Just Right?

The new managing director of Microsoft IT India Raj Biyani in 2010 noticed staff morale was low with growing attrition. Employees were frustrated as they had little control over the work they did. They had to wait for tasks to be assigned on a project basis from teams in US headquarters. To manage...

#Coolestinterviewever: Inside the world’s first end-to-end recruitment campaign on Twitter

This case study provides insight on how HCL technologies – one of India’s largest IT companies– pulled off the world’s first ever end-to-end recruitment on Twitter. It provides a background of why HCL adopted this strategy, the internal hurdles staff had experienced to launch the campaign as well...

Quantine: Virtualising the Interview Process

The case is set in January 2012, and begins with Kenneth Yap, the founder of Quantine Pte Ltd, strategising on an effective growth plan for his company. Quantine is a job candidate pre-screening service provider specialised in asynchronous video interviews. In the three years since its inception,...

Microsoft IT India: A Journey in Business Model Transformation

This case is set in July 2013, at the Microsoft IT (MSIT) – India headquarters in Hyderabad. In 2010, when Raj Biyani, as 12-year veteran from Microsoft Redmond takes over MSIT’s operations Hydrabad, he is faced with low morale and high attrition rates due to a fragmented organisational structure....

Made in India: Cisco Reroutes Innovation

This case describes the strategy adopted by Cisco India to develop the Advanced Services Router 901 (‘ASR 901’). It is part of a larger strategy by Cisco headquarters to understand what could be built in the developing markets for the developing markets, as opposed to products conceived with only...

Rising from the Ashes: Satyam’s Story

This case study describes the collapse of Satyam, a leading IT industry service provider from India. Satyam goes into crisis mode following a revelation of financial fraud by its chairman. This results in a crisis not just for the company, its clients and employees – but the entire Indian IT...

‘Campus Connect’: An Infosys Program to Develop India’s Information Technology Ecosystem

This case is set in April 2013, and discusses the key elements that have contributed to the success of Infosys Ltd’s Campus Connect Programme (CC) in developing India’s Information Technology talent over the past eight years. The CC programme is an industry-academia initiative that re-constructs...

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