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Cases by Cheah Sin Mei

Displaying 31 - 35 of 35 results

The Corporate Social Responsibility of TQLS Group in the Liangshan Prefecture (A), (B) & (C)

This case study describes Tieqilishi (TQLS) Group’s corporate social responsibility initiative in the Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan, China.
Case A, set in 2016, describes the poverty-stricken Liangshan prefecture. Famous for ‘cliff villages’ (villages on top of high mountains...

The Founding of Flipz: Living the Entrepreneurship Dream?

Flipz is the pseudonym for a Hong Kong-based mobile classified app for consumer-to-consumer selling and buying of new and second-hand goods. Despite the initial skepticism towards their venture, the founders managed to gain traction with their app and eventually succeeded in raising venture funding...

Seng Hua Hng Foodstuffs: Cracking the Camel Nut for Growth, Using Data Analytics

Seng Hua Hng (SHH) Foodstuffs Pte Ltd, the largest nuts manufacturer in Singapore, was the company behind Camel Nuts, a trusted household brand name in nut snacks in the country. Camel had a prominent brand presence both domestically and internationally in 29 countries. Aspiring to continued growth...

DBS India: Banking on the Unbanked

The case is set in 2015, when DBS Bank applied to the Reserve Bank of India to operate as a locally incorporated subsidiary under the wholly-owned subsidiary (WOS) scheme. DBS had a presence in India since 1995 and had grown to become the fifth largest foreign bank by assets. Upbeat about the...

Kova: Becoming a Vietnamese Household Name in Paint

Set in 2016, this case follows Phua Koon Kee, the CEO of Kova Group, one of the largest paint manufacturers in Vietnam, as he pondered upon the business expansion strategy that could elevate the Kova brand’s status to that of a household name. Based on a patented NANO technology that used silicates...


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