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Resurrecting an Institution through the Power of Story: Singapore’s New Natural History Museum


This is the first part of a two-part case study. Part A begins In December 2009, where Professor Peter Ng, director of the Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research (RMBR), is issued a challenge: raise S$25 million in the next seven months to fund the establishment of a natural history museum in Singapore. Raising enough money to resurrect the museum in the midst of a global financial meltdown seemed like an impossibly tall order for Ng. To complicate matters, donations for natural history or science-related causes were virtually unheard of in the country. How can Ng raise the funds?

This case presents students with the opportunity to apply corporate storytelling skills as a means to further an organisation’s communications and branding strategy. The case is particularly germane to marketing frameworks for non-profit organisations. Part A of the case sets the scene, introduces the protagonist and highlights the core dilemma.

Part B follows Part A in June 2010, after Ng's team raised S$46 million (US$33.3 million). This overwhelming success has surprised everyone, including Ng. In addition to a S$10 million anonymous donation, the Lee Foundation donated S$25 million, while the Tote Board and the general public donated S$10 million and S$1 million, respectively. With funds in hand, the former Raffles Museum is finally ready to be resurrected as the Lee Kong Chian Natural History Museum in 2014.

Part B of the case reveals how the protagonist accomplished their fund raising goal by utilising corporate storytelling skills explored in Part A.

Inspection copies and teaching notes are available for university faculty. To receive an inspection copy and teaching note, please email cmpshop [at] with your registered faculty email ID and a link to your contact information on the faculty directory at your university as verification. An inspection copy and teaching note will then be sent to your faculty email account.


SMU Faculty/Staff can download the case & teaching note on iNet with your SMU login ID & Password.

·             The Case (SMU-12-0043A)

·             The Case (SMU-12-0043B)

·             Teaching Note (SMU-12-0043TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via The Case Centre, please access the following links:

·             The Case (SMU-12-0043A)

·             The Case (SMU-12-0043B)

·             Teaching Note (SMU-12-0043TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via Harvard Business Publishing, please access the following links:

·             The Case (SMU-12-0043A)

·             The Case (SMU-12-0043B)

·             Teaching Note (SMU-12-0043TN)

Published Date

28 Jan 2013


Year Completed

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(Please note you are purchasing the case only.)

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