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Cases completed in year 2020

Displaying 41 - 44 of 44 results

Ant Financial: The Road to Financial Inclusion in China through QR Codes and Technology-as-a-Service

Set in January 2020, this case presents Ant Financial’s success in promoting financial inclusion in China through its Quick Response (QR) Merchant Growth Plan. Established in 2014, Ant Financial grew out of Alipay, a mobile payment provider that served Alibaba’s e-commerce customers. Inheriting...

FWD: Customer-Centric Marketing in Online Insurance

In November 2019, David Broom, Chief Marketing Officer of FWD Singapore, replayed a commercial ad clip of his company, as he ruefully considered the competitiveness of the insurance market in Southeast Asia. Building competitive resilience in a cutthroat market dominated by large traditional...

Developing an Innovative Retail Concept to Showcase the Smart Home of the Future

In 2018, after nearly two decades of success in the highly competitive consumer electronics market of Singapore, Asian Home Electronics (AHE) Limited was once again searching for new frontiers to break through for its retail business. Having evolved from the traditional brick-and-mortar business...

Nium: Leveraging Fintech to Disrupt Cross-Border Remittance Services

Set in October 2019, this case presents the remarkable growth journey of Nium, a Singapore-headquartered fintech start-up in digital remittance. The founders are on a mission to disrupt the traditional remittance industry ridden with inefficiency and an opaque pricing structure, and are confident...


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