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Cases by Annie Koh

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results

Thai Wah: Transformation and Innovation for Sustainable Growth

In October 2015, Ho Ren Hua took over as CEO of Thailand-based Thai Wah Public Company (TWPC), a family-owned business supplying starch and starch-related food products. Since then, he had introduced several changes to professionalise the company, which included introducing more independent...

DBS: Digital Transformation to Best Bank in the World

This case covers the period from 2014 to 2020, when DBS embarks on its second strategy under the stewardship of Piyush Gupta. The aim is to become the Best Bank in the World (BBIW) by 2020. The bank reaches its objectives in 2019 and continues to garner more banking accolades.
Building on Strategy...

Nium: Leveraging Fintech to Disrupt Cross-Border Remittance Services

Set in October 2019, this case presents the remarkable growth journey of Nium, a Singapore-headquartered fintech start-up in digital remittance. The founders are on a mission to disrupt the traditional remittance industry ridden with inefficiency and an opaque pricing structure, and are confident...

Bold and Responsible Leadership in Uncharted Waters: The Future of BW Tankers

This case was awarded runner-up in the Teaching Cases on Sustainability category at the inaugural Financial Times Responsible Business Education Awards 2022.
More details here.

Set in January 2019, the case follows Andreas Sohmen-Pao, Executive Chairman of the BW Group, as he reflects on a...

Steady Leadership in Choppy Seas: An Asian Maritime Perspective

Set in March 2015, the case begins when the Baltic Dry Index (BDI), an economic indicator of the average price to ship raw materials, hits an all-time low. Khalid Hashim, Managing Director of Bangkok-based Precious Shipping Public Company Limited (PSL) is now tasked with navigating the company...

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