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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 results

Fullerton Myanmar: Delivering Financial Inclusion Through Social Impact and Technology

This case is set in 2017, three years after Fullerton Myanmar (FFMCL), a microfinance institution (MFI) in Myanmar, was founded by Fullerton Financial Holdings, a Singapore-based firm that invests and operates financial institutions in Asian emerging markets. Since its inception, FFMCL has been...

Cardpe: Assessing the Market Potential in a Dynamic Payments Ecosystem in India

Set in December 2016, the case follows Sumeet Mehta, CEO of Cardpe Services Private Ltd, a fintech startup established to tap into the gap that existed in the payments acceptance infrastructure in India. Cardpe was all set to launch a mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS) device – a wireless handheld...

Singapore Reits: Low Risk Investments for Stable Returns, or are they?

Sally Tan, an equity analyst with Prospero Asset Management Company (PAMC), is tasked with recommending units of four Singapore REITs (Real Estate Investment Trust) – CapitaLand Mall Trust (CMT), Ascendas REIT (A-REIT), Soilbuild Business Space REIT (Soilbuild REIT), and Parkway Life REIT (P-Life...

LGB Bank: Application Integration in a Large Global Bank

This case study is organised into five parts, meant to be read and discussed progressively. Winston Mariota, a newly hired IT Architect at LGB Bank, had developed over his career a specialisation in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). Prior to joining LGB, Mariota had recent successes in a...

Data Analytics at DBS Group Audit: The Future of Auditing is Auditing the Future

The case is set in January 2014 and reveals the data analytics initiatives at DBS Group Audit. Group Audit was used to assess the riskiness of the bank’s branches based on seven attributes derived from the auditors’ collective wisdom. The results could sometimes be misleading and inaccurate. To...

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