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Strategy and Implementation for the Workplace of the Future: The Raffles Quay Asset Management Commercial Real Estate Story


This case study is set in June 2022, two and a half years since Raffles Quay Asset Management (RQAM) had rolled out its new vision in preparation for positioning itself for the workplace of the future. RQAM had been established in 2001 to manage and market the commercial properties developed by Asia’s leading developers.

The new vision provided the ‘north star’ for the whole organisation and transformed how RQAM managed tenant relationships. It also revolutionised RQAM’s approach to commercial real estate management. The new vision leveraged technology opportunities and addressed the needs of RQAM’s various stakeholders from its tenants to the community.

The RQAM leaders crafted a strategy to deliver the vision within five years. To support the implementation of the vision, the leaders drove significant interventions, of which, one intervention was to align employees across the whole organisation with the ‘strategy on a page’.

The case provides a learning opportunity for students to understand RQAM’s position, evaluate the visioning and implementation process, that includes digital, and discuss the interventions that were executed.

Inspection copies and teaching notes are available for university faculty. To receive an inspection copy and teaching note, please email cmpshop [at] with your registered faculty email ID and a link to your contact information on the faculty directory at your university as verification. An inspection copy and teaching note will then be sent to your faculty email account.

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SMU Faculty/Staff can download the case & teaching note on iNet with your SMU login ID & Password via the following links:

· The Case (SMU-22-0020)

· Teaching Note (SMU-22-0020TN)

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· The Case (SMU-22-0020)

· Teaching Note (SMU-22-0020)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via Harvard Business Publishing, please access the following links:

· The Case (SMU-22-0020)

· Teaching Note (SMU-22-0020)


SMU Faculty/Staff can download the case & teaching note on iNet with your SMU login ID & Password via the following links:

·      The Case (SMU-22-0020)

·      Teaching Note (SMU-22-0020TN)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via The Case Centre, please access the following links:

·      The Case (SMU-22-0020)

·      Teaching Note (SMU-22-0020)

For purchase of the case and supplementary materials via Harvard Business Publishing, please access the following links:

·      The Case (SMU-22-0020)

·      Teaching Note (SMU-22-0020)

Published Date

7 Sep 2022

Year Completed

Temporal Coverage

Education Level

Data Source

Geographic Coverage


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