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Displaying 361 - 366 of 1005

A Tale of Two Cities: Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2016

  31 Mar 2017

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

This article is republished with permission by China Business Knowledge at Chinese University of Hong Kong Business School. You can  access the original article here.         By Fang Ying

Adapting and evolving to grow in the high-tech industry

  31 Mar 2017

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

MatchMove started as a gaming platform; it’s now a flourishing enterprise payment solutions company The splash page of Singapore-based fintech company MatchMove showcases its flagship product, its...

God’s will, The Matrix, and the Chinese bamboo tree

  31 Mar 2017

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Suresh Shankar took the figurative red pill, went down the entrepreneurial rabbit hole and discovered the need to mesh the right-brain with the left At the height of the dotcom boom in 2000, Suresh...

The EU, free trade, and populism

  31 Mar 2017

Financial Markets and Institutions

“Free and fair” trade is crucial for world prosperity but more must be done to convince those who have lost out in globalisation Just days ago, British voters’ decision to leave the European Union...

When Hippo used Twitter to manage its supply chain

  31 Mar 2017

Management Insights

This article is republished with permission from BusinessThink at UNSW Business School. You can access the original article here.

Building a pharmaceutical company from scratch

  27 Feb 2017

Carl Firth built ASLAN Pharmaceuticals thanks to Big Pharma, investment banking…and beer The pharmaceutical industry has become the Big Tobacco of the 21st century. While tobacco companies were...


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