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Re-inventing Singapore's Medical Tourism industry

  26 Feb 2016

Management Insights

By Jonathan Tan The island states needs to focus on improving medical outcomes for international patients while keeping its public hospitals affordable for locals Abstract Medical Tourism is...

Shinta Kamdani: Opportunity and empowering women

  26 Feb 2016

Strategy and Growth

  This article is republished with permission from BusinessThink at UNSW Australia Business School. You can access the original article here.      

Thailand’s political impasse

  26 Feb 2016


Thai farmers’ productivity – or the lack thereof – has left the country and its political future in limbo When Yingluck Shinawatra was ousted as Thailand’s Prime Minister in 2014, it cast renewed...

Can we finally save planet Earth?

  27 Jan 2016

The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Paris has brought governments worldwide together to solve what is now seen as an immediate problem. Perspectives@SMU speaks to SMU...

Externalities of capitalism

  27 Jan 2016

Capitalism produces consequences – both good and bad – that are not intended. Strong states are needed to manage them When the annual haze blanketed and choked southeast Asia from August to November...

Getting people to buy, always

  27 Jan 2016

Management Insights

Creating touchpoints in stores and embracing the social media world keep consumers engaged with brands The consumer world is now more digitised, social, networked, fun and experiential. The simple...


Perspectives@SMU is SMU’s online public outreach publication that seeks to provide thought leadership on management practice in Asia. The monthly newsletter combines exclusive interviews with senior executives and acclaimed academics, with up-to-date reporting on the latest salient issues of the moment. Through continuous coverage of a wide range of topics, readers can get up to speed with the viewpoints of industry practitioners on common or groundbreaking topics, as well as acquaint themselves with SMU’s latest faculty research findings.