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Case Writing Initiative Team

A good case, like good writing, is easy to read. But good writing is not easy writing. With excellent storytelling capabilities and experience, our team of case writers and researchers strive to deliver compelling stories that captivate readers.

Last updated on 08 Nov 2018 .

Dr. Havovi JOSHI

“Writing and teaching case studies is a great way to bridge the gap between the academic and business world - effectively capturing a business situation and using it to teach an academic, and yet very practical, concept in the classroom.”

Dr. Wee-Kiat LIM

"In marrying vivid storytelling and vicarious learning, a good case delivers a good lesson and a good workout, where students have to sweat through the same dilemmas and pressures as the case protagonist. This way, they learn intellectually and viscerally."


"A case study is like a historic document that captures an event in real life, and creates a learning experience for students that continues to be useful to them throughout life."

Dr. Cheah Sin Mei

"Someone once said: “Behind every name, there is an untold story”. We go behind this name to unfold compelling stories, and facilitate meaningful learning from cases, such that its influence extends well beyond the classroom where lessons are taught."

Chan Chi Wei

"The case method is a dialectic one that helps students examine and sharpen their arguments to establish the truth of the matter through reason and logic."

Thomas Lim

“For the blasé, cases are merely text to be dissected, but what makes them more than that is the story behind the events being related, and the journey to uncover that story is what makes ours a truly rewarding vocation.”

Mahima Rao-Kachroo

Case studies are wonderful learning tools that encourage students to adopt the mindset of decision-makers and allow them to develop empathy and problem-solving skills. The case study method is beneficial for both student and company – students learn invaluable lessons and companies benefit from novel solutions that are often unearthed during classroom discussions.

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