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Across the age divide: Top tips for managing the best from Generation X

29 Nov 2017

UNSW BusinessThink logo This article is republished with permission from BusinessThink at UNSW Business School. You can access the original article here.



A band of pragmatic, self-directed problem-solvers has been overshadowed
Whatever became of Generation X? 
In all the talk about juggling the values and needs of different age groups in the same workplace, the focus has been on cashed-up baby boomers requiring respect for having put in the hard yards, and tech-savvy millennials who want it all now lest they flit off to a better offer.
But sandwiched in between is another layer of workers: those born between 1965 and 1980. So-called Generation X.
The descriptor was popularised by Canadian writer Douglas Coupland in his 1991 novel about disaffected youth, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. These days, Coupland seems less convinced of his subject's exceptionalism:
"In as much as there is a Gen X, it's paying for school bills for their kids and nursing care for their parents. There's not much free time to be either pro or anti-establishment," he says in a BBC interview.
It suggests that the characteristics ascribed to particular generations are like shifting sands. Are demographic definitions mostly marketing spin?
Julie Cogin, a professor and director of AGSM@UNSW Business School, admits she set out to debunk the notion of generational differences when she applied rigour to what began as "hobby research".
"I conducted the study across five different countries and collected data over different years to see how changes emerged," Cogin says.
"I thought generation differences were explained by life cycle. As you acquired a mortgage and had children you would adopt the characteristics of the next generation, and as you reduced work and retired you would shift again. I was proved right in some ways, but also proved wrong in other ways."
And the key finding?
"There are distinct characteristics that belong to age groups, which don't change over time as their life cycle alters."

Forces that shape

So, who – or what – are Generation X?
"Before you can identify the characteristics, you should consider the influences on the generation. That includes everything from pop culture to political changes, financial unrest, family upbringing and more," Cogin says.
"Gen X were really the first to experience both parents working – and were often called the latch-key kids, getting themselves home from school and waiting until their parents came home.
"They've also seen their parents work very hard and face a number of challenges in the workplace, particularly in the 1980s and '90s with radical increases in redundancies, down-sizing and right-sizing," she adds.
"In many cases, they've  perceived their parents to have been treated poorly by employers. So you'll find there's reduced levels of trust between corporations and Gen X. That's a really important influence on their lives."
Generation X have embraced the peripheral workforce, with contract-type arrangements, part-time roles, the gig economy – whereas for their baby-boomer parents, working was more about job security and loyalty to one employer. 
"It's also important to note that economic circumstances have shaped the attributes of Generation X," notes Cogin.
"They grew up with a floating dollar, financial deregulation and globalisation. And they've suffered and experienced several economic downturns," she says.
"Even with halts on growth and income, Gen X have not altered spending patterns. They have very low saving rates and are not well prepared for retirement. More Gen Xers rent than previous generations and those that have home loans, have a higher prevalence of borrowing 100% of a house price with negative equity in their homes."
Adding to the challenges of living beyond their means is an increase in the average child-bearing age, with women in their 30s and even 40s having babies. It means that Gen X's children are younger – and need more attention – than for previous generations at this point in their lives. 

The nitty gritty

If we can see where Gen X have come from, what should employers consider when hoping to engage, retain and harness their strengths?
"Gen X are very pragmatic and competent, and independence is important," Cogin says.
"They prefer to self-manage and be self-directed. One of the worst things you can do is micro-manage a Gen X employee. They are used to working towards agreed goals with limited supervision.
"And it's essential to create relationships that foster trust with Gen X, to emphasise accomplishments and results. They are problem-solvers and expect discretion and autonomy in doing their job."
According to Cogin's research, Gen X want access to their boss:
"They want to have a voice. They want to be heard – in a subtler way than younger people, who may be more demanding about this. Gen X like to get into the actual detail of the work and then prove themselves in that way. There's more substance to the work that they are doing."
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Last updated on 30 Nov 2017 .

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